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Jan 17, 2021
Nice gotcha attempt. Oops, though, you missed.
Your first mistake was assuming I have only 1 daughter at BYU. I have 2, and I also have a son there as well. The story that you are not quite accurately representing happened with my first daughter (H). The second daughter (M) is the one who wanted to go camping this weekend with her roommates. We'll get back to M in a moment. Let's review the H situation.

H is very immunocompromised, for several different health reasons, but also due to a medication she was/is taking for yet another health issue. H had, at the time of the story, 1 roommate who, during the height of the BYU Covid surge, continued attending parties with large groups of people. This was contrary to all guidance we received from doctors, government, and the university. No social distancing, no masks. I think you can agree that this is a little more concerning than the way you described it as "hanging out with friends".

So, yes, I was pretty irritated at a roommate who didn't follow all the recommendations, and when my daughter brought it up, she responded, "Well, not too many people die from it." Yeah, just the elderly and the immunocompromised like my daughter.

To be clear, because you're missing this nuance, the problem wasn't having a roommate, even a roommate who "hung out with friends", it was having a roommate who refused to take basic precautions and attended super-spreader events WHILE this was a huge problem at BYU. You know, going to large parties was and continues to be a problem as numbers are surging around the US, and Utah in particular has had some serious impact.

Because you are obviously deeply concerned for my daughters, you should know that H did indeed contract Covid, despite all her own precautions. Sometimes, unfortunately, the irresponsibility of others even impacts those who try to follow the rules. She got very sick, had some breathing issues, but thankfully she has recovered with only some minor residual impact (at least that we know at this point).

Now M, on the other hand, is living in Heritage with 5 roommates. She isn't immunocompromised, but that's somewhat a moot point to this part of the discussion. I find it funny that you imply I'm being hypocritical in this situation. Let's analyze what you're suggesting. M lives in the same apartment with these 5 girls, shares bathrooms and a kitchen with them, and even a bedroom with one of them, is in constant close contact with all of them in their apartment. Yet, you think that going into the outdoors WITH THESE SAME ROOMMATES and camping, is somehow a contradiction to my concerns over the situation I discussed with H.

Let me help you out: it's not. That's a ridiculous argument.

Anyway, thank you for your sincere concern for my daughters.
This message has been modified
Originally posted on Jan 17, 2021 at 11:51:14am
Message modified by jdub on Jan 17, 2021 at 11:52:54am
Message modified by jdub on Jan 17, 2021 at 11:53:47am
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