Yessir. We have both cards, we got the free one to try it out and it worked for us, so we went for the $50/annual
card which gives us 2% back at all grocery stores/restaurants and gas stations.
We essentially roll everything through the Disney Card and it's made it possible to keep our family going every 2 years. Now that they've upped the prices and our kids are in an older ticket-bracket we had to kick back from 5 days to 4 days, and we may have to extend it to every 3-4 years, but it still makes it nice.
If you are like me though, don't put 100% of the rewards on the tickets. You'll just be one frustrated dad trying to buy food in the park. To me, tickets are a sunk cost...if you are going, you are buying tickets. But food you can talk yourself out of.
By reserving $$ for food, you can buy the overpriced snacks and even splurge at a few of the restaurants.
The Carnation Cafe on mainstreet has an awesome breakfast, we ate there a couple of times. The Blue Bayou right inside the Pirates ride with their tasty (but overpriced) $45 stake didn't bother me a whit. We took the entire family to eat at Orleans Cafe loaded them up with Bignets, Pom Friets for everyone and of course split a Monte Cristo with the HCBW. One of the best meals anywhere, swipe the card and the $90 cost was no big deal.
If I were paying for it out of pocket I'd just be an angry codger and despise the whole vacation.