For the following reasons...
Personally, I can’t imagine BYU undergrad being better from a science/health-care perspective. Utah has premiere researchers and scientists/PHd’s that you can pad your resume with by working in their labs prior to any kind of science related profession.
I can attest firsthand that no one knows about BYU in the science community, they only know about Utah because of the research institutions and hospital. Like that is just a fact. The only people who know about BYU are because they are from Utah, are LDS, or know people who went to BYU (we hardly ever ask what undergrad program you went to because it doesn’t really matter, we only ask to make small talk). That is the world of medicine.
As for everything else, my friends who went to Utah are all pretty successful in their various other professional work, from law to engineering to whatever else.
The truth of it is, especially from what I have seen, it matters much less where you went to school but more so with the person. BYU is harder to get into from a gpa/act perspective, so they are getting smarter overall candidates, and any difference in the numbers is related to that. People who are smart and more importantly motivated are going to do well pretty much anywhere.