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Jul 20, 2019
JWunderli Walk-on
RE: I know him well too. Your cousin was my wife’s best friend growing up.

Thanks for that comment.

I'll give it one more try to set the record straight starting with my defense of what Alex Markham and another poster on our private message board said:

1) both posted that they had sources that have proven reliable over the years that said there was another person in the car who was drinking.

2) Alex specifically said to keep these posts and info on the board and to not go public with it until it was confirmed.  No one did that except that blue brethren had screen shots (either he's a member of the site or someone sent them to him) and tweeted them.  

3) sharing stuff from Ute Nation - a private message board - is a violation of the terms of use.  It's also a violation of the terms of use of twitter to share copywrited material from a private message board.  The private posts on Ute Nation are considered copywritten according to some attorneys we have on the board.

4) I spoke with Alex on Friday and he told me who is source is - he asked me not to share it with anyone so I will honor that - and his source would know about the other person who was drinking.  He also said that he's been a passenger in a car twice when the driver was arrested for a DUI and he had been drinking and he was never included in the police report so that kind of thing can happen.

5) I don't know Max Powers.

6) I don't think all BYU alum or students are bad - I have many friends and some family who have graduated from their or are going there.  

7) I cheered for BYU when Steve Young was the QB (I also liked Marc Wilson) since he was in my ward growing up.  I like their volleyball teams and think they are fantastic.  I also cheer for the women's basketball team (except when they play us) since I know Juddy. 

8) Feel free to check my website by typing it in the search bar - I've had it up for about two years and there is lots of great information there that's free whether or not you use me.

9) Dave Wunderli is a good guy and a very good businessman (he's a CPA by trade).

10) As for the guy who wants me to say "Hi" to Fred III, I have an Uncle Fred who has a son Freddy (he's in his early 60s) but I don't know all of his kids - it's conceivable that he has a Fred III.  I'll ask.

11) James Bernard posted on my facebook business page a few times (he actually made the same comment in three different posts - I deleted 2 of them) and said in one of his comments "I bet yelp reviews will be choice."  Any review by someone who hasn't actually used me for a mortgage would be a lie and an act of spite.  Definitely not something Christ or the church teaches.  

12) There are lots of good church members who are Utah fans.

13) I was wrong to trash BYU like I did.  It does offer a solid education for a good price.  Every school has its nut-job fans.  I got a kick out of some of the BYU posters who admitted they are some of them.  

14) Good luck in every football game you play this year except August 29th.  

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Jul 18, 2019
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Aug 19, 2019
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