For example, they were to keep the Sabbath day holy. Over time, regulation got so extreme that they decided to have their steps limited on the Sabbath and even boiling an egg was a sin.
Well... We're starting to miss the mark of an awesome gameday experience of hungry fans that camped all week. People enjoy that. The rules aren't outrageous, but they are regulating something that we should be taking pride in. We should be proud of the die hards. ESPN frequently says "there have been students camping out for a week to see this game." Now they will say, "Students lined up Thursday for their ROC line card, everyone had to be there and the location moves week to week. Anyways, half of them lost their card because they weren't there when they took role. So those front row fans earned those seats" It sounds more like a treasure hunt to keep students away from camping. Just lame BYU over-regulation.