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Jun 3, 2015
Thank you, first time I read the obituary online. My dad wrote that for us,
as it is just too difficult for me. I wish the donation stuff clearly stated that there is a park "Paradise Point Park" being built in our neighborhood and our friends are trying to raise money for Memorial benches to be put in, having the basketball court named after Austen, and meeting with the Mayor next week to try and get the name of the park changed to, "Austen Russell Memorial Park." The money is not for us personally.

All the love and support from everyone has truly lightened our burden during this unimaginable difficult time.

Reading all the messages and board mail has been very therapeutic -- Thank you everyone!

We are going through pictures and videos for the funeral and I came across a video where he hit an NBA 3 pointer at the buzzer during a halftime game of the NBA summer league when he had just turned 6 years old. I posted the video on Facebook at the time: it is the one that is 14 seconds.

Today there was a Tree planting ceremony for our family at Austen's school. He had the fastest mile time in the school at 6:26, so they gave us his award and said they are changing the name of the award to the Austen Russell Award.

The family that won the BYU box in Nevada last year anonymously dropped it off at our house last night. Very kind and thank you whoever you are. My two older boys excitedly split the contents.

I left the house for the first time yesterday and went to my daughter's dance performance. I felt like a fish in a fishbowl, but it felt good to get out and feel the love from everyone. The older girls did this beautiful dance wearing basketball jerseys and ended it with holding 3 fingers up for Austen.

Thank you so much friends, family, Cougar Nation and strangers, we have never needed so much love and support as we are receiving, that we need now. We can not make it through this on our own. Last night my wife and I were talking about how wonderfully overwhelming it has been, and imagined the opposite -- if everyone just ignored us and left us alone. The most difficulty times are when we are alone, especially trying to sleep -- re-living the tragedy in our minds over and over and over again. May our Father in Heaven bless every single one of you with what you stand in need of for the love you have shown our family!
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Originally posted on Jun 3, 2015 at 3:24:24pm
Message modified by DrTDR on Jun 3, 2015 at 3:30:05pm
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