Oct 23, 2014
I have some thoughts on this
It's like the way liberals are constantly changing facts to fit the narrative. In the end, if things don't pan out, they just revert to name calling (i.e. disagreeing with Obola makes you a racist/bigot). Here, most of us share a common interest in the success of BYU football/basketball, etc.

I have lots of BYU fanatic friends, who understand my joy and pain, the highs/lows that I experience as a BYU fan. We watch games together, talk a lot, post on CB and sometimes write/say stupid stuff just because we are fans. However, we are all tuned into one thing: a desire to see BYU succeed. We are aware that BYU has had a rash of injuries; however, we also could see that BYU was not a very good 4-0 team, with an undisciplined team and a poor defense. We could see that things were not right before the USU game. Then, attending the USU game was just the WORST experience. There was clearly something missing even before Hill went down. With BYU down 21-14, and Hill running the offense, I was already in shock at what I was seeing and feeling.

I have been very impressed with Stewart. Forget the picks and over throws vs. USU, I admired the fact that he went onto the field into one of the toughest situations any of us can imagine in sports. He replaced a BYU QB star, a guy on the Heisman Watch List, and tried his best to bring BYU back from a two TD deficit. (Yes, I know he came into the game with BYU down only seven.) Stewart has impressed me. He's not Hill, but Stewart is a confident, capable QB. He was not the problem or cause of losses.

I think the biggest problem my friends and I have regarding the last three games is the defense. If the defense shows up in these three past games, BYU wins. Yes, there are other factors such as turnovers. I attribute the turnovers to a lack of focus. They have all come at such terrible times in the game, completely turning the tide. However, the nagging issue is the lack of any pass rush/pressure on the QB. It was apparent when BYU was 4-0. But, if we complained about it here, we were shouted down, told to clam up and be a good fan, to stop being so negative. Then, when BYU disappoints with terrible defensive performances, we again told to sit down, shut up, and stop hurting Bronco's family. We can all agree that BYU's record would be different if Bronco was the DC calling plays. So, it is frustrating to see what we see and then listen to Bronco blame the players as he did after the UNR game. Then, to hear Bronco take a subtle swipe at the fans via a backhanded compliment (we all knew what he was doing) after the UNR game, that's just really troubling. But, when anyone commented on it here, we were shouted down as disloyal fans who are reading too much into Bronco's comments. (Really, why is Bronco talking about "the fans that left"? How about just saying: "Our fans were great to the very end and we really appreciate them" without making reference to the "many" who left after BYU completed a 28 point give away?)

I have always found Bronco to be more bizarre than normal. I want to really like him. I have tried to embrace him. I still want to. I just find some of his coach speak re: execution, assignment sound, higher level, to be empty and condescending communication - especially when we have watched a team that is one of the nation's worst penalized team. Bronco has claimed that games are not decided on penalties. I would have to respectfully disagree. We can point to some terrible penalties that have charitably sustained drives for the opponent leading to scores. More points decides games. I would have rather seen Bronco attack the discipline issue, hold himself and his staff more accountable.

I think the casual fan would be far more understanding of BYU's three game losing streak and the injuries if Bronco handled things differently. Turning over the defense to Howell was clearly a mistake. While we don't have the same players, such as Ziggy and Van Noy, we are seeing a much different overall product.

I am not a football guru. I am a fan. I follow the team, follow recruiting, attend games, watch in TV, read the news before/after the game, listen to KSL's game call and post game, and post on CB. I am not among those clamoring for Bronco to be fired. However, count me among those who is disappointed and would like Bronco to be more accountable, to not act as though he's an Obama government appointee who will keep his job regardless of performance (an Obama staple). I don't expect BYU to be undefeated and finish in the top 10 each year - I just want to feel that Bronco is being smart, giving his all, and that he won't turn on me as a fan simply because I question some of his decisions. At the end of the day, the fans are the VIPs. Bronco occasionally seems to get that, but then forgets. He comes across publicly sometimes as proud and awkward. It is hard for me to relate to him. Lavell was a guy who was cut a lot of slack because he was just nice, friendly and most fans could relate to him. I did not love Lavell when BYU got crushed by Hawaii and A&M in 1990. Not at all. (A couple of examples of really, really bad games that had me complaining like crazy.) That did not mean I wanted Lavell fired. I just was not happy about what I experienced following my team.

There seems to be a lot of labeling that goes on in our society, pressed largely through politics, where if you do not jump on the ship, and get with the "Hope and Change" type program, you are something bad - an outcast, a malcontent, a loser. That kind of mentality manifests itself likewise in other areas. That's how I see the pro/anti Bronco crowd. There are those here who, like my BYU friends, understand my pain, they can relate to my frustration - and it is almost therapeutic to express it here.

I enjoy reading posts both for and against Bronco. They all offer information and thoughts that are fun to read when I want to get away from the stress of daily life. So, I'll keep coming back. I would not consider myself to be a pro or anti Bronco poster. I'm just a BYU fan and Bronco happens to be the coach. Sometimes I will sing his praises and other times I will not. He is captain of the ship. I may not jump ship, but I will also hope he knows what he's doing as navigate in the dark through the cold waters filled with icebergs.

By the way, I think I've watched that cat jump and fall on your GIF 500 times in the past couple weeks. That's hilarious.
LV Mike
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LV Mike
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