at other schools as well. Interesting results.
This pass efficiency stuff you bring up always leaves one question hanging around, though. I'm interested in your interp.
That is, would this suggest that BYU needs to throw the ball efficiently to win as opposed to running it well,
does it mean that BYU has its best chances of winning under the 'air it out' approach when the passing efficiency is high?
I'm not sure I'm explaining myself, but I trust you'll see the subtle difference between the implications of the two and help me put a finger on that which I can't myself.
Also, since stats are just entertaining until an interpretation is offered, what is yours? Bearing in mind the oft-heard "correlation is not causation" caveat, as well as my above question, what interpretation would you offer say to Anae and Mendenhall if you were in their office with this data right now?
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Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe. --Albert Einstein