do contacts because I was cheap. But, after three years, I decided to give it a go and try contacts three months ago. The first week was rough trying to get accustomed to putting in/removing the contacts. The first week, it would take me up to 30 minutes to do that simple task, second guessing if I should have done this or not. After one week, I finally figured it out and can take them in/out of my eye pretty easily now.
I am so glad that I decided to do contacts. It is so much better than glasses. I am using monthlies right now. So, I can use the same contact for up to 30 days. The only crappy thing about monthlies is if you lose the contact before 30 days, you have to open a new one sooner than you were planning. My eye doctor is pretty good and giving me trials though if a monthly contact becomes unusable before 30 days because of a scratch or something.
It's a new world i'm navigating, but one that is so much better than glasses.