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Jan 6, 2025
reddead All-American
I always liked our winter camps. As a kid, you don't feel the cold as much
And the campouts were always such a unique experience. I had leaders that would take us on a campout a month, so we got a lot of practice camping in the cold weather and came to be pretty good at it. At the time, it was such an adventure.

Now, looking back (and having aged a little bit—enough to start to see that cold is unpleasant) I can't believe how exceptional and long-suffering our leaders were. It takes special guys to spend a weekend with their ward's squirrely deacons, setting up tents in the snow and dark of a Friday night and taking them down again in the blowing wind on a Saturday morning.
Bio page
Nov 16, 2009
Last login
Jan 8, 2025
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5,950 (9 FO)

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