Here are more basic statistics (not adjusted for opponent difficulty, so they are much lower, because BYU had the 37th hardest schedule according to Sagarin). All from Total Offense - I don't think any are adjusted for difficulty. Adjust these for schedule difficulty and all improve:
Total Offense 58th (I think this is just total yards and is low, because BYU is not a hurry up offense)
Passing Efficiency 52nd (even more above average)
YPA 31st (way above average)
Passing yards 30th (Even more above average)
Passing TDs 30th (way above average)
Not reflective of total offense, but... 4th down conversion FIFTH
1st downs 34th
Red Zone O 48th
Scoring O 45th
Turn over margin 17th (includes a D aspect)
Even when not adjusting for schedule difficulty all are well above average and most are top 34, multiple are top 17, one is top 5