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Nov 17, 2024
TwinsRight All-American
I just pasted what you first wrote. Here’s the result
Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how to set up your Fantasy Rodeo spreadsheet in Google Sheets:

Step 1: Create a Contestants & Events Sheet

1. Sheet Name: Contestants
2. Columns:
• Event (e.g., Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Bull Riding, etc.)
• Contestant
3. Fill in the contestants under each event.

Step 2: Create the 10-Round Tracker Sheet

1. Sheet Name: Rounds
2. Columns:
• Contestant (populate this with the names of contestants from the Contestants sheet)
• Event (to help identify each contestant’s event)
• Round columns: Round 1, Round 2, …, Round 10

Step 3: Add Player Picks Sheet

1. Sheet Name: Player Picks
2. Columns:
• Player (names of participants in the league)
• Each event as its own column (e.g., Bareback, Saddle Bronc, etc.)
3. Each participant selects a contestant for each event.

Step 4: Add Scoring Sheet

1. Sheet Name: Scores
2. Columns:
• Player (auto-populate this from Player Picks)
• Total Score (sum of all scores across events and rounds)
• Columns for each event (e.g., Bareback, Saddle Bronc, etc.) showing scores for individual events.
3. Formula to Calculate Scores:
• Use VLOOKUP and SUMIF to calculate points for each player based on the contestant they chose in the Player Picks sheet.

How It Works

1. Input Points per Contestant in Each Round:
• In the Rounds sheet, add points for each contestant in each round.
2. Calculate Player Scores:
• In the Scores sheet, use formulas to match each player’s chosen contestant with the points from the Rounds sheet.


For Points Calculation:

1. Lookup Points for a Contestant:

=INDEX(Rounds!$B$2:$K$100, MATCH(PlayerPicks!B2, Rounds!$A$2:$A$100, 0), MATCH("Round 1", Rounds!$B$1:$K$1, 0))

2. Total Score for a Player:

=SUM(E2:H2) // Add all event scores

Example File Structure

I can create an example file or template for you if you upload the initial contestant list or sample picks.

Would you like me to draft a file for you?
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Originally posted on Nov 17, 2024 at 3:27:22pm
Message modified by TwinsRight on Nov 17, 2024 at 4:09:37pm
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