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Jun 29, 2024
Czar-castic Playmaker
RE: In the all beef hotdogs anyway. Got cow anuses in them tho.

The claim that hotdogs contain pig anuses is a common myth but not accurate. Here are the key points about what typically goes into hotdogs:

Ingredients in Hotdogs:

  1. Meat: The primary ingredients in hotdogs are beef, pork, chicken, or turkey. These meats are usually cuts that are not used for prime cuts but are still safe and edible, such as trimmings.
  2. Mechanically Separated Meat: Some hotdogs use mechanically separated meat, which is a paste-like meat product made by forcing bones with attached edible meat through a sieve or similar device.
  3. Fat: Added to improve texture and flavor.
  4. Water: Helps mix the ingredients together.
  5. Curing Agents: Such as nitrates and nitrites to preserve the meat and maintain color.
  6. Flavorings and Spices: Include salt, pepper, garlic, and other spices to give hotdogs their characteristic flavor.
  7. Binders and Fillers: Such as corn syrup, starch, and non-fat dry milk to improve texture and consistency.

Regulatory Oversight:

  • USDA and FDA Regulations: In the United States, the production of hotdogs is strictly regulated by the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) and the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). These regulations ensure that hotdogs are made from safe and approved ingredients.

Myths and Misconceptions:

  • The idea that hotdogs contain pig anuses likely stems from the fact that hotdogs use various parts of animals, including trimmings. However, actual parts like anuses are not used in commercially produced hotdogs due to health and safety regulations.


Hotdogs do not contain pig anuses. They are made from a mixture of meats, fat, water, spices, and curing agents, all of which are regulated to ensure safety and quality.

This message has been modified
Originally posted on Jun 29, 2024 at 2:59:40pm
Message modified by Czar-castic on Jun 29, 2024 at 3:00:49pm
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