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Jun 6, 2024
Japan Coug Intervention Needed
As a point of comparison, here is a Top 100 list from Marca, probably the
premier soccer/sports publication in Spain. They haven’t published their list yet for this season, so this one is from a year ago, but it helps show the difference in perspective.

One simple example: In Marca’s list, there were only 9 English players, whereas Argentina and Brazil had 16 combined. ESPN’s list has 12 English players, almost the same as the 13 for Argentina & Brazil combined.

Obviously the comparison will be much more meaningful when Marca publishes their updated ranking for 2023-24, but the example above is indicative of the types of differences I usually see.

Cbssports is doing a similar list, but have only released part of it so far. We’ll see if their’s is more balanced/less anglocentric. Based on the rankings released so far, it seems like it might be.

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Originally posted on Jun 6, 2024 at 5:11:46pm
Message modified by Japan Coug on Jun 6, 2024 at 5:14:54pm
Japan Coug
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Japan Coug
Feb 3, 2003
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