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Jun 6, 2024
A couple games
1 to 5
During the game, all the players stand in the same area and a facilitator will randomly call out a number from 1 to 5. Depending on the number, the players must form groups and/or perform actions associated with the called number. For the first few rounds, this is easiest if you have a poster to summarize what to do when each number (1 through 5) is randomly called out.
1 - participants fall to the ground on their stomach. The last person down is eliminated
2 - participants must randomly pair up with one piggy back on the other. If there is an odd number, the solo person is eliminated
3 - participants randomly form groups of three, sit on the ground between each others’ extended legs, and act like they are rowing a boat while repeatedly calling out “Row” anyone not in a group of 3 is eliminated
4 - participants sit in a circle cross legged and with their arms linked. Anyone not in a group of 4 is eliminated
5 - participants form a partial pyramid with three people on hands and knees and then two more on top of the three on the ground. Anyone not in the 5 person pyramid is eliminated.
Keep calling out the random numbers until all but one person remains and you have a winner.

Banana Pass
Large group. Form equal teams of approximately 10 people. Each team lies down on their back in a line with their feet next to the previous persons shoulders. A banana is placed between the feet of the first person on each team. On “Go”, the person uses only their feet and raises the banana up over their head, to the feet of the next person, who has to secure it with their feet (no hands). This continues until the banana is passed all the way down the line. If the banana is dropped, the previous person must place the banana back between their feet and re-attempt the pass until successful. When the last person receives the banana, he/she eats it, and races the peel back to the starting point. The first team with the banana successfully eaten and the peel returned first person in line wins. (Yes, the banana is usually pretty smashed when it arrives to the last person to be eaten).
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Sep 6, 2002
Last login
Jul 1, 2024
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856 (20 FO)

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