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May 31, 2023
BYUFam1 All-American
Probably not an 8th pick when considering 2 that we'd list before them are not
likely to consider the B12.

I get pure markets don't ring the entire bell anymore but it is a portion of realignment calculations still. Consider what is in the footprint or direction they want the footprint to move and we see interesting things.

New York (#1) - Not in footprint
Los Angeles (#2) - No teams remaining that would consider a move to B12
Chicago (#3) - Not in footprint
Philadelphia (#4) - Not in footprint
Dallas-Fort Worth (#5) - Already have teams in B12
Atlanta (#6) - Not in footprint
Houston (#7) - Already have a team in B12
Washington, D.C. (Hagerstown) (#8) - WVU? Already have a team in B12?
Boston (Manchester) (#9) - Not in footprint
San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose (#10) - In footprint and have P5 and Go5 teams which may or may not be possible or worth it (Cal/Stanford/SJSU/Fresno?)
Phoenix (Prescott) (#11) - Certainly could add a team (ASU/AZ)
Seattle-Tacoma (#12) - In footprint with possible P5 team but not likely to consider B12 (Wash)
Tampa-St. Petersburg (Sarasota) (#13) - Not in footprint
Detroit (#14) - Not in footprint
Minneapolis-St. Paul (#15) - Not in footprint
Denver (#16) - In footprint with a possible P5 team (Colorado) also a couple Go5 (CSU/AFA)
Orlando-Daytona Beach-Melbourne (#17) - Not in footprint
Miami-Fort Lauderdale (#18) - Not in footprint
Cleveland-Akron (Canton) (#19) - Not in footprint
Sacramento-Stockton-Modesto (#20) - In footprint but what team?
Charlotte (#21) - Not in footprint
Portland, OR (#22) - In footprint with possible P5 team but not likely to consider B12 (Oregon) but maybe one that would but we might not want (Oregon St)
Raleigh-Durham (Fayetteville) (#23) - Not in footprint
St. Louis (#24) - Not in footprint
Indianapolis (#25) - Not in footprint

Passion of fans is another story. History of being good is another story. Potential to return to a passionate fan base and winning with a large market and fan base to pull from is the magic sauce. Is Colorado 8th when comparing all? Hard pressed to agree with WSU, OSU, Utah in the conference still. Considering cultural fit snobbery on their end with Stanford/Cal not likely to come and Wash/Oregon not likely to come because of B1G ideas for them...8th seems a bit too low...
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Jul 6, 2010
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Jan 7, 2025
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5/31/23 8:40am

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