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Jul 22, 2019
DocPimp Redshirt Freshman
That is not true...
Especially at the U of U med school. Their class has more U of U graduated than BYU graduates. And show me the stats that say BYU is putting more people into Dental/Medical schools?

I don’t have the data but I bet if I looked...

There is a MUCH better correlation with GPA/MCAT scores for medicine. This is the great thing about objective data...I would bet you ACT/SAT/high school GPA are MUCH better predictors of future success than where you went to undergrad. Like I said, all my friends who scored well in the above did absolutely fine in their professional lives/careers and would have irregardless of their undergrad choice. Obviously, Utah is THE public flagship school of the state and it behoovens their mission to accept all walks of life, including the kids who didn’t score as well on their national tests and had lower gpa’s and those kids will have a lower overall chance at success, and not because they went to BYU. This is all pretty obvious IMO.

My wife works for a top 3 law firm in Utah. If, as you say, BYU is so superior they would only hire BYU grads. But they don’t. They interview and generally hire one top ranking BYU grad and one top ranking Utah grad. In recent years its been more staggered to Utah grads (not because BYU grads are inferior, just randomly how it works out as other years it is only BYU grads).

And no, trust me in the medical world no one knows. When I told my classmates I am from Utah, the only thing about BYU that I am asked is ‘is that the weird religious school where you can’t party’ and other questions of the same ilk. If you don’t have a brand name hospital no one in the medical world knows about you because it’s all about residency and post med school training. Like I said earlier, they only know BYU if they work with LDS people who went to BYU and were told they went there. Loma Linda, another religious institution, is much more known. They have a medical school and a big hospital system even though most people don’t know much about 7th day Adventists and they are a smaller religion vs LDS.

I can’t speak for the business world because I have zero experience in this, but sure I’ll trust you and CB that BYU is elite in this area and gives better training than Stanford/Harvard/Wharton combined. I concede this point.
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