Initial post – What did you hope to accomplish by stooping so low with such classless comments? What does it matter if your post was private? You obviously feel very bitter towards BYU. That came across loud and clear. You need to let go of whatever BYU or someone associated with BYU did to hurt you so bad. It’s not healthy to harbor such hatred and anger. Your comments represent very poor judgment on your part. You have scared off a sizable portion of your potential customers by the inappropriate things you said. It doesn’t matter that you did not intend for them to be made public. You posted some very tasteless comments on social media. Of course those comments are going to make it into the public domain. Most people would recognize that risk. Unfortunately you didn’t. Poor judgement on your part.
CB response post – Pretty disappointing and weak. You took no ownership for what you said. All you did was play the blame game and hype your business.