Dec 31, 2005
I have been in that business for years...
Its hard to prove my point over post board, but let me try. I am making no comission off this, so you can truly take it as objectie advice from someone who has read nearly all of it and compared all of it.

People like to bag on whole life. Saying the internal rate of return is poor. If you hold on to one long enough you could get an effective rate of return at 5 to 6%. Not anything to brag about for sure.

But calculating its effective internal rate of return is for the birds. Only micromanagers get thier kicks here and ultimatley lose the big picture. The real question always should be for financial decisions, what is the macro economic utility gained from making this decision. Too many poor people get caught up in the internal crap and forget to see the whole picture.

I don't ahve the time to explain it much debth except by saying: imagine how you can treat your other assets differently if you have a gauranteed life insurance policy that requires no more premiums at retirement. Without a doubt, you will be much more willing to spend your IRA's or 401(k)s if you know that the wife will be left with something when you die.

Studies show that taking more than 5% of your investment accounts will give you a 45% chance of running out of money after 25 years. There is no better exit strategy on your assets than whole life insurance.

WL becomes very cheap when you can get other people to pay for it. No doubt you would take if I told you someone else would pay for it. It is quite possible...there is a book out there called Rich Dad Poor Dad, by R. Kiasawki that sort of explains how.

I would chose a company that has been doing it for more than 120 years (there are about 10) MassMutual, Union Central, Northwestern Mutual. The real question is, which one of those companies will give you the best rate. much information... hope that is helpful...cause I know folks on here will tell you to buy term and invest the difference. That plan has never ever worked in you know anyone who lives off thier 401(k)? No one that I have ever met uses thier 401(k) or IRA's to live off of. It truly is thier life insurance. Seriusly, ask your grandparents or parents if they live off thier 401(k)...99% of the time you will get a no. Whats it for then? you can ask..."long term care, give to you kids...whatever... just incase something happens..."...

Well you they could have bought about 10 times as much life insurance through an insurance company than you have in the balance of your 401(k)...and the 401(k) is taxable...
The Old Y
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The Old Y
Apr 4, 2005
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12/31/05 12:44am

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