About 5 years ago I got tired of all the issues you guys are talking about: Not enough guys, too many guys, jerks, teens, girls, etc showing up for early morning church ball. So, I reserved a church and made my list of people to invite. Guys who can play, pass, are competitive but not hot heads, don't brake your ankles by stepping under on shots, etc...
We send a quick text out the day before, "You in?" If the regulars can't play, we have a list of alternates. We get exactly 10 and those 10 know they are committed and will let everybody down if they don't show up. We pick teams and play best out of 7 games from 6-7:30 am every MWF. I've never enjoyed ball so much. I gave up city league and church ball because refs, punks, bad players, too many subs, etc were ruining it for me.
We switch teams around. Last fall I started tracking wins and win percentage by player and the first one to 100 games got dinner on everyone else. I highly recommend it for all basketball lovers! Now if my knees will just hold up.......... Try it out!