From a talk given by Elder Bateman called "Brigham Young University in the New Millennium": ateman.html
Is the Lord interested in Brigham Young University? Is it an integral part of the Church? Does he have a plan for BYU? Prophetic statements provide a "yes" answer to the three questions. Although we do not know the details of the plan, we do have specific statements specifying the value of education in the kingdom and the Lord's commitment to the university. We are all familiar with the revelations that specify the value the Lord places on learning: "The glory of God is intelligence" (D&C 93:36). "If a person gains more knowledge and intelligence in this life . . . , he will have so much the advantage in the world to come" (D&C 130:19). "It is impossible for a man [or a woman] to be saved in ignorance" (D&C 131:6). These scriptural statements make clear the importance of lifelong learning. In this regard, President John Taylor stated:
You will see the day that Zion will be as far ahead of the outside world in everything pertaining to learning of every kind as we are to-day in regard to religious matters. You mark my words, and write them down, and see if they do not come to pass. [Journal of Discourses 21:100]
A story involving President John Taylor is even more instructive with regard to the Savior's interest in and commitment to the university. Some months after becoming president of the Church, President Taylor was visited by
Zina Young Williams, the dean of women of the Brigham Young Academy in Provo and a daughter of Brigham Young. The academy was less than a decade old and was experiencing serious financial difficulties that, if not resolved, would mean its closing. After listening to Sister Williams's plea for help, President Taylor took her hand "in a fatherly way" and said:
"My dear child, I have something of importance to tell you that I know will make you happy. I have been visited by your father. He came to me in the silence of the night clothed in brightness and with a face beaming with love and confidence told me things of great importance and among others that the school being taught by Brother [Karl G.] Maeser was accepted in the heavens and was a part of the great plan of life and salvation; . . . and there was a bright future in store for . . . preparing . . . the children of the covenant for future usefulness in the Kingdom of God, and that Christ himself was directing, and had a care over this school." [Leonard J. Arrington, ed., The Presidents of the Church (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 1986), pp. 108109]
Shaq was nothing, it's Vlade time bay-bee!!! (I wish I could believe that.)