Back in November we had a huge windstorm strike Puget Sound. Normally we get strong winds from the southwest. The storm in November came from the east and the trees aren't used to winds coming from that direction. As a result my neighbor across the street to the east of me had 2 large trees fall across the road into our yard. Thanks to good neighbors we eventually got it all cleaned up.
Here's a post about it:
My widow neighbor across the street finally decided to cut down the 2 big trees (both 130+ ft tall) in her back yard. All week there has been a tree company taking the 2 trees down. The method they use is a logger climbs up the tree - and de-limbing the tree all the way to the top. Then while at the top he starts cutting up the tree into smaller chunks and letting them fall down to the ground. Then the crew down below chip the smaller limbs and cutting the tree itself up into smaller tree rounds that can then be split up for firewood.
The logger who goes up there has to be incredibly strong, but probably also insane. He has to do all the work while latched to the tree and doing lots of chainsaw work all day long for days on end at amazing heights. Whatever he's making - it's not enough.
Here's some pics of the process this week.
This pic shows the backside of my neighbors house with a tree that fell into her living room. The two trees on the left side - both probably 130+ ft tall - are the ones that have been taken down this week.
These other pictures are of the progression of cutting down the trees.
It has taken all week, but both trees have been cut down.