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Mar 20, 2025
rebelCoug All-American
ARIA project and man landing on the moon. I agree that man did land on the moon

and it was not faked. My dad was in the Air Force and part of a program called ARIA or Advanced Range Instrument Aircraft. Here is a link to the archives.

The ARIA program used EC-135E aircraft (nicknamed Snoopy nose) with a satellite built into the nose of the aircraft. See this link for more information

"In the 1960s, NASA’s program to the Moon was in full swing. A major part of that mission, was being able to track the spacecraft and their crew as they traveled through space, through a network of tracking stations throughout the globe. This was something that not just NASA needed, but also the U.S. Air Force for their missile tests. Initially this would be achieved through land based tracking stations, with the later addition of shipboard systems, however it was quickly discovered that large gaps in tracking coverage existed, as the sea based stations, while critically important, were not fast enough to keep up. A further solution was needed to support the missions."

As stated in the last link the EC-135E had to link to the spacecraft and get both telemetry data but also voice communications. My dad operated the satellite dish on those aircraft. He was the one that created the link between the spacecraft and ground control. He was in direct communication with the astronauts and talked to them many time during there mission to the moon

He always told us that he had to point the satellite dish towards the lunar module so he could link up to it. This meant the satellite dish was almost always pointing in the direction of the moon when they left earths orbit. 

Some people might say that the US put a satellite in orbit around the earth to fake the communication. The problem with that is the satellite would have to orbit the earth in a way that would keep the it directly between the moon and the earth. This is impossible to do for satellites orbiting the earth especially in the 1960's. 

When the theories about the moon landing was faked came out he told us in no uncertain terms that that was a bunch of BS. There was no way they could fake the communicatons from the spacecraft on it's way to the moon to the Snoopy nose aircraft. 

I know this doesn't prove that man landed on the moon, but a lot of money was spent in creating the ARIA program, build the aircrafts and equipment and pay all the people involved in it. 

One last thing. When you hear the communications between the astronauts and ground control you always here a "beep". The beep was when the transmission went through the satellite. My dad always told us he was that "beep".

Just my two cents.


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Originally posted on Mar 20, 2025 at 8:41:37am
Message modified by rebelCoug on Mar 20, 2025 at 8:45:33am
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