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Jan 9, 2025
ElkhunterUT All-American
Parking at BYU Apartments - What a Nightmare. Need any suggestions
So my oldest son returned from his mission in November and started classes at BYU yesterday. Because he came home in between semesters, he did not have a lot of options for places to live. We were able to get him a contract at the Glenwood apartments but he is like #200 or something ridiculous like that on their waiting list for a parking permit to park in the Glenwood parking lots and not get booted. He was told he could park out on one of the streets just to the south of the apartment complex, but had 2 parking tickets from Provo city for $55 each parking there.

He has no idea where he can legally park without getting booted or getting a parking ticket. Any suggestions from this group on what to do for parking in that Glenwood apartment area?

I figured I would check here because he is not getting a lot of help or guidance from anyone down there - pretty frustrating and ridiculous!
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Jun 3, 2013
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Jan 9, 2025
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