The dark navy one with the royal blue highlights, or the white uni's with white lettering(not really white, more of a metallic white or a dirty snow white). And then the MC court is a metallic navy blue. Between the away jerseys and the MC court they use 3 different colors of blue. My wife asked if I wanted a jersey for Christmas and I told her to hold off until they design a better looking one. Heck go back to the Danny Ainge Brigham Young jerseys with the Irish font lettering.
I was really hoping Jay Hill's Jordan hat would mean we'd get Jordan jerseys and they'd fix all our ugly uniform and color designs. Also BYU football royal is a different color of royal than the basketball teams color of royal.
Other royal color schools keep their football and basketball color of royal the same. Duke, Kentucky, Kansas, Memphis. Not BYU we have probably 4-5 shades of blue between football and basketball.