Field regarding recruiting between UU and BYU. They are relentlessly pursuing Ryan Smith, threatening that he either needs to give equal time, money, and resources to the UU or they will boycott his teams and companies.
I remember these same fans being super concerned about the imbalance of power since July 2011. They were relentless. They held candlelight vigils under PAC12 country billboards and next to unbathed men with PAC12 tattoos. They attended rallies and protests on campus every time a UU AD or coach even attempted to big time BYU (it was a 13 year long protest that was always manned by these sports justice warriors). They detested that the UU had such amazingly superior access to funds and facilities that they could recruit national talent. They loathed that BYU by comparison was able to attract table scraps. They never stopped telling their own fans on Twitter/X not to brag about that imbalance as a reason recruits should attend their school.
I loved it when the entire UU student body marched against their player calling the quality of BYU’s recruiting “poo poo”. It really is refreshing that these warriors are equally concerned now they perceive BYU has an advantage in BBall. It warms my tiny little heart to be honest. These are quality individuals who care about justice no matter what team they root for. And stuff.