I find it funny that for this season, the only games that i was sure of a win, as the games presented themselves, was Southern Illinois and Wyoming. Every other game I was very uncertain of a win and general thought we would get beat. That's how I had approached the first 9 games. For game 10, finally BYU had build up confidence in me to actually believe that, though it would be a hard fought game, BYU would find a way to win. As fate often develops, we lost. I'll go back the rest of the season believing we can win, but probably will lose. It seems better that way.
In seasons past, after such a loss, I would not read any sports news or come on CB for almost a good week. I've finally progressed. I winced at first, but I clicked right into CB and here I am posting.
Silly game we should have won and did more to beat ourselves than get beaten by Kansas, but we're 9-1 and WAY past any expectation I had before the season began. Life is good and will go on. Go Cougs!