I, like many, intensely love Christmas. All the traditions, memories, etc. It is the best and it is magic.
I also find that 30 days of it burns me out already. The music starts to wear, the treats get repetitive, etc. I actually don't cry whent he Christmas tree comes down--I am relieved to play regular music and to get my living room back. To turn my focus to the new year, goals, etc.
So doubling Christmas to two months will both wear me out and cheapen it. When it is always Christmas, it never is. And when I hear Paul McCartney's Wonderful Christmas Time come on the radio for theeh 37th time, I will want to shoot myself.
My wife has expressed that the Thanksgiving weekend is too stressful to both have Thanksgiving and to decorate the house all over 2-3 days. So I have agreed to start a week earlier and gradually put up the tree (I won't plug it in, though, until Thanksgiving night). No Christmas music until the NFL games are all over on Thanksgiving. Then I'll enjoy it like a little kid, burn myself out like I always do, and do it all again next year.
I've also set a goal to do the worst part of Christmas in November--gift buying. That is the worst, it makes December stressful, etc. My goal is to have all the gifts purchased and wrapped (but hidden) before Thanksgiving.