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Sep 29, 2024
PortlandCoug Truly Addicted User
BYU actually has a fairly impressive resume & based on results deserves top 10
I thought it was pretty crazy yesterday how little publicity they received considering how well both SMU & K-State played. It feels like the media just doesn't want to buy into any hype regarding BYU. I thought it was funny on the Friday night game where Miami basically only won because of a questionable review reversal that Linda Cohn on Sports Center was hyping that Miami is back. Yes Miami had looked dominant before barley squeezing by a mediocre Va Tech at home but just thought that was a weird statement meanwhile BYU gets almost zero credit for dismantling a very good K-State team.

Now is BYU really a top 10 team? Probably not. The offense is still too inconsistent, running game blocking is not good enough and the defense while much improved from prior years still lacks speed on the edges. I also think Sitake gets too conservative with leads and this continues to be an issue. He needs to find a happier medium to maintain momentum without going overly vanilla. Having a healthy stable of running backs will help in that regard but the offense was simply not good enough in the second half and it took some really good defense in the Q4 to maintain the lead.

I honestly don't know what to expect over the next 3 game stretch. BYU has two home games against decent competition and then an away game against a speedy UCF team. If BYU wins both at home and goes into that game undefeated that will be a tough matchup. BYU will struggle with UCF's speed not to mention I would expect their stadium to be pretty loud.

Regardless, it's been a much better than anticipated season so far but we've seen that with Sitake the wheels can come off in a major way. The key to rest of the season will be: (1) can BYU avoid major injuries, (2) can BYU's get it's running game going/get RBs healthy & (3) can BYU continue to win one score games.

Finally, I have not let myself really go there but man it would be fun to make the playoffs this season especially as conference champs. Could you imagine a home game against Texas or Alabama? Yeah, me neither.
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Sep 29, 2024
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