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Sep 22, 2024
After watching the game a few times I have a few notes:
We have really fast linebackers. I thought Kingston was really fast. Then I watched Glasker lead him up the field and into the end zone. Kelly was in that mix too. Also the speed that Kelly closes gaps with is insane. I think he catches the opposing players off guard with how fast he gets on them. Impressive for some big dudes.

We have some WRs that I think will be playing in the league. Lassiter is fast, great hands, and runs hard after the catch. Roberts is those things as well. Hill and Marion, not as many targets or highlight plays yet, are pretty good as well.

S. Moa(s) is(are) stout and play hard.

Retzlaff is who he is. And that can be stressful to fans but also exhilarating. He will make some bad throws, and the ultimate competitor in him will force him to make a few bad decisions here and there but he is a fighter. I can appreciate that. I kind of wanted to see Bohanon a few time in past games but I can see why the coaches are going to ride or die with Jake. I'm going to back on the Retzlaff ride full time and buckle in. It may be wild but it will for sure be entertaining and just as his mistakes may put is in bad spots, this questionable decisions will also create a few highlights and win us some games.

This is a disciplined team. BYU has a past of letting emotions get the best of them sometimes but the first penalty we get last night is one we wanted to get? Crazy. I thought the OL played really well and the D line was so good as staying together and accounting for gaps in their pass rush to make sure Johnson had a hard time getting loose.

After watching Utah win games I thought they should lose, for many years, because their D plays so well and always creates turnovers, a short field when the O needs it the most, or defensive scores it was nice to see us do the same. Our D was stout up front, and great play in the defensive backfield. Created and capitalized on turnovers and scored a TD. A defense like this will not only keep you in every single game but it could be the very reason the team wins a few games. Looking forward to seeing what we can do going forward.

This team needs to have it pounded in their heads this week that all of this can go away with one down game. A lot of experts and others are watching to see if we stumble so they can say they were right. This is exactly the time BYU has done exactly that in the past. We win a game we shouldn't, get all the national attention, and then lose a game we should probably have won. Keep the chip on the shoulder, embrace the underdog role, and stay hungry.

This team is really, really fun to watch. Maybe because I didn't have any expeditions when the season started but this team has an it factor about them.
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Mar 16, 2016
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Sep 23, 2024
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