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Sep 22, 2024
dilbert All-American
I've been off the board for most of the day, so I don't know if this has been discussed already or not, but the play
call on the Lassiter TD was a thing of pure beauty. It was the perfect follow-up to the TD to Epps last week in a very similar situation. The KSU defenders clearly had watched film on the Epps TD, and ARod was able to exploit that to give Retzlaff and Lassiter an easy pitch-and-catch TD.

Last seek, Epps lined up in the slot and Roberts was lined up outside. Epps ran towards the sideline while Roberts ran inside and blocked the defender who was supposed to cover Epps. The defender who was covering Roberts followed him inside, and Epps had a clear path to the end zone (and even had time to stumble for a few steps while he recovered his balance after catching the ball that was thrown behind him). It wasn't offensive PI because Epps caught the ball behind the line of scrimmage. TD for BYU.

This week, Epps started outside, then motioned inside before heading back outside. You can see the KSU defenders switching who is covering inside and who is covering outside, and the safety comes over to help cover Epps. They've seen that play before and know how to defend it. But that left the middle of the field wide open, so when Lassiter got 1 step inside of his defender, it was all over. Retzlaff hit him for an easy slant, and KSU couldn't do anything about it. TD for BYU.

We give ARod plenty of crap for his play calling, and I agree that there are times when I'm scratching my head trying to figure out what he was thinking on a given play. So we should also give him credit when he does well. That was the perfect play call in that situation this week given what we put on film last week. That was 3-D chess right there. I love stuff like that.
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Oct 4, 2004
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Sep 22, 2024
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