So the other day Courtimides made a CB crossword puzzle thanks to Soupie’s suggestion.
I thought it was so fun and wanted to try it as well…but I just kept thinking of more and more fun stuff to add!
I tried to include the most popular inside jokes that I’ve seen on the board over the years. I included some random Cougarboard posters that I happened to think of as well.
Anyway, if you can get all of these then you spend waaaaay too much time on cougarboard like I do and/or you’ve been around for awhile!
I tried to make some really easy and other hard. Let me know if it’s too easy or too hard overall and I could adjust.
Please cover or warn of spoilers in your responses!
Hope ya’ll have as much fun doing this as I did making it!
Here is his fun crossword! I couldn’t get it all!