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Jan 9, 2025
cwilke1 Intervention Needed
thinking of Wakely-gate, with the amount of money thrown around in college
football and some players being involved that are walk-ons, there could around the sport be the danger of sabotage where a dark third party offers money to a walk-on player to have them spill inside information.

Now thinking back to what might have happened between Wakely and Leavitt: I mean they are watching film that even opposing coaches will have, I think. The teams have access to watch the game films of other teams, even without needing any inside information.

So the allegation rests on Wakely confiding in Leavitt about some details that otherwise the numerous analysts might not have recognized in preparing the scouting part? goes back a little to stealing signals. or was the Wakely thing also related to signals?

the new rules allowed offense to use the radio to the QB, did the defense also get to have a captain who has radio communication with the DC?
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Jan 8, 2016
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Jan 10, 2025
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