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Jan 9, 2025
mudpupper Truly Addicted User
So let's walk through this in a practical manner...
-Let's say a BYU defensive player watches film for some reason with a guy that hates BYU.
-Why in the world were the watching film together anyways? Are they like roommates or something?
-Then the guy that hates BYU calls up his brother at ASU and relays info from the film session.
-The ASU player then relays this information to the ASU staff

In this scenario how much truly useful information could actually be passed along? I just don't see it. Without being able to visually see formations, player assignments, etc., I just don't see how somebody could pass this through 3-4 people and actually have it be truly useful.
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May 13, 2003
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Jan 10, 2025
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