From bags of money to attract and retain talent.
Sure, big programs and big money will always have a word with next level talent and exceptional coaches.
I just think BYU offers something unique that has staying power, identity, and relevance in this world...where other programs are simply just another state school.
Utah has had a great run in football for 20 years, but does Utah offer something unique if the donor money isn't enough? If the program starts to lose, what's they staying power to keep guys at Utah?
I've said it before: Utah is one poor coaching hire away from irrelevance (kind of like their basketball program for several decades). I think Scalley is the right guy to keep them rooted to local recruits and LDS guys...but, again, one wrong hire away from Utah having no identity.
Even if BYU whiffs on a coach and sets a sport back 5+years, BYU still has an identity and staying power that keeps it from imploding.