hankering for a snack, but it's been a hot minute since I've had a snack at a gas station. I wasn't interested in chips although in retrospect that might have been the better choice and I didn't want any candy.
I thought maybe some beef jerky. However whenever I bought jerky while we were on the road I always paid a premium for whatever was the best stuff they had.
Tonight wasnt one of those nights. I had never in my life ever had a slim Jim and I thought why not. It's cheap and quick (yeah I'm hearing my CB brothers in my head making ... ahem... comments on those words) and not an entire bag of this or that.
Well I get into the car with my cherry coke zero and a slim Jim. Well after biting into this thing my initial thought was how has this company remained in business so long. This thing was nasty.
There are few foods in the world that cause me to think this, but yeah I'm not a future slim Jim customer. Bleh!!!
I need to remember next time I'm wanting a snack. Go home and make one.