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Sep 16, 2024
jtm0001 Truly Addicted User
Rewatched game in attempt to be objective about Jake - that 1st INT sent me into
a frenzy of PTSD so I could not be objective the entire game and wanted him out (STILL want AROD out).

Summary following my assessment of the play by play. Mostly based on Jake's play, but a few other comments sprinkled in. There is a BIG caveat in that the replay I watched only had about 70% of the plays, so I know there were a couple passes where Jake got away with one that would likely have been a pick against any decent team.

Noteworthy Plays:
- 1st drive - Jake made a great throw on 4th and 3 to Hill for a 1st down. First of several nice plays on a roll out.
- INT was a planned play (3 step drop and throw.) was not a bad decision, just poor execution, and if anything a bad play call to throw that one to Epps instead of Chase or Darius.
- TD to Hill was good execution, but against any B12 Team it is unlikely to be so wide open. We will need to disguise it better. Wyoming is just bad.
- Jake had a nice designed keeper on 2nd and 9 1 play before the TD. He did not cover the ball with 2 hands when the D got close.
- TD Pass to Epps ws behind him - poor pass that may cost a TD vs a better D
- Play to Roberts in 2nd Q just before the 2 min timeout was another nice throw on a roll out.
- Next Pass to Roberts ws a 3 step drop and was better executed than the int.
- Disgusting clock management to end the half.
- Marion's KO return was beautiful. He mad 2 great changes in direction that really set up the team to have those blocks, then at the end he made a few instinctual moves that prevented them from taking him down. What a think of beauty. Had to rewatch 3 times.
- Toss back pass to Chase was an nice ball from Jake, and since it was Chase, he of course came down with it. He is such a ball hawk!!! Had the int been to Chase instead of Kody, I think it's a TD.
- After Chase got up and did that little taunt (the way the refs were I can't believe they didn't flag him), Kalani was actually in Chase's face yelling at him. That was a surprising, but good, sign.
- Wyoming's 3rd and 13 with about 4:45 in 3rd quarter had Glasker acting as a spy on the QB. He was not ready and took a poor angle on the play, resulting in a long QB run for a 1st down. He will have to be MUCH, MUCH better as a spy vs KSU.
- Retzlaf broke a near sack and ran for about 15 with 1:10 left in the 3rd. He had several times where he escaped pressure for a nice run. That is one thing he is undeniably good at - but even on that play, he did not cover up the ball with both hands as he ran into traffic. With his fumble history, they should be beating that into his head.
- Thes are out of sequence - I didn't note the plays but we all remember them - there was a sure INT that hit the DB in the hands and was dropped. That was a terrible pass and when grading Jake out, it counts as a TO in my book. There was also another short play, I think mid 2Q, before the Epps TD, there was a play that was within a hair of being a pick 6. I remember cougarboard at the time and there were about 30 comments about it. It definitely made my PTSD worse for the rest of the game.
- Arod - mulitple plays called short of the sticks on 3rd down. The one that comes to mind as egregious was a 3rd and 12 in the 3rd quarter. Kalani should just tell him he gets 1 of those per game, period. There is a reason we are bottom 5 in FBS in 3rd down conversions. UGH!
- Johnson INT was an example of our secondary just being good. Let's hope they can keep it up vs higher quality receivers so we can keep bringing pressure without getting bitten.
- Some comic relief when the announcers said how abysmal Wyoming had been on 3rd down at 4/14 - when at the time BYU was 1/9....
- I was floored when Kalani didn't decline the penalty on 3rd down right before Wyoming's 2nd TD. It was a poor decision, allowing the refs to give them a 1st down moments later. They would have had something like 4th and 5 around the 15 yd line. Instead, after a penalty, they get 1st and goal at the 2 and score 6.

- Jake is very good when rolling out to his Right. Arod needs to utilize some more play action - even some qb run options there. I also think Jake would do well there with the pick plays behind the LOS (so it's not a penalty), changing direction and maybe catching a defense off guard.
- The INT, unlike all 3 vs SMU (and multiple last year) was not due to a poor decision. I can live with imperfect execution from time to time...not horrible decisions (which he has done often when under duress). No other turnovers, but a few that might - or should - have been. This is the issue we all have with Jake. Luckily WY couldn't capitalize...but i hope that if he makes those decisions next week, his lease is yanked and we give Gbo a shot, because good teams will not often drop balls that hit the DBs in the hands.
- Jake is a very good mobile threat...but ***he needs to cover up with both hands when he is in traffic!!!***
- TD pass to Lassiter was one where Jake avoided pressure. Again, a good sign with his feet, keeping a play alive and converting. My biggest gripe about him all this time is that when he is under duress, he makes boneheaded decisions. Tonight was much improved from the past (dating back to last season), while under pressure.
- While he only had 1 INT, there were 2 others that were close. Ball Security is still the biggest concern.
- There were 3 plays in the 1st half where Jake did not snap on time and we had to take a delay of game or a timeout. The last time cost us a chance at more points before the half. Hard to say whether this was on Arod getting plays in on time, or Jake for not keeping an eye on the clock....but it's definitely between the 2 of them.

- Nice to see that Ferrin has a leg! Especially if it does come down to 1 play and taking a chance with Retzlaf or taking points.
- Huanga is very promising. It's apparent Davis is only good as a change of pace or decoy for an occasional wide sideline run or short toss. He is not a between the tackles runner.
- Kick Return Game MUCH better. Kingston had much better hands, and obviously Marion was the highlight.
- 3 Asinine holding calls kept at least 10-14 points off the board for the Cougs. This was not as close as the final margin.

Thoughts on Jake: Re-watching the game without the emotional trauma, with a more objective eye, he had an ok performance. The numbers were good, and he had some really nice situations where HE made the play - either with his arm or his feet. That said, there were a half dozen errant throws. He needs to cut those down. I was happy that he didn't "force" any turnover throws this time. His performance was better than my jaded emotional PTSD self thought on Saturday. Watching the game I could see Jake winning a couple surprising games for us, and losing a few like he did last year. If that happens, I can see a 7-5, possibly 8-4 season. Let's just hope he doesn't have 5 turnovers vs Utah. I can see Whittingham and Scalley licking their chops at what will happen if they get some pressure on Jake. If he comes out vs KSU and has another "execution" turnover, but plays well in all other aspects, I am ok with him continuining on a short leash. HOWEVER, if he makes just ONE single kuckleheaded turnover, it is time to put Gerry in and see where he can take us.

Rise and shout fellow Cougars!
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