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Jun 20, 2024
Adrielle Board Misanthrope
Update on my friend... His oncologist has told him he has 3-5 years to live...
A recap. He started to have pain in several places and some other issues, and started getting tested. Scans showed her had cancer in several places including his liver. After the colonoscopy they found that it had started there. He is seeing the oncologist who is if the same office where I was treated for my cancer (stage 3 melanoma) and they have told him that chemo will extend his life 3-5 years.

I'm praying that in that time they are able to find a treatment that will cure him. And I do know people who have been given a similar prognosis who have lived longer.

Had he simply gotten his colonoscopy probably two years ago. He wouldn't be where he is right now. I'm so sad for him and his family.

You know, some cancers aren't known until it's too late, others can be treated if caught early. My melanoma was one. But I did go see my PCP about it, but the idiot cut the mole off and didn't biopsy it. Then when it grew back he sent me to a dermatologist and a year of hell ensued. Lucky for me targeted immunotherapy worked and I'm cancer free as of this writing. But even though The major error of my former PCP probably resulted in getting to stage 3, I still kick myself for not going to a dermatologist a year sooner, when it was probably just stage one. You can bet that I do not miss my checkups with my dermatologist, and my oncologist. I still get scans every 3 months. I at least can blame some of this on that former PCP. By the way, he was a ute. Not a joke.

My friend and neighbor must be kicking himself right now non-stop. And honestly, I could easily see myself in the same situation. I put off getting a colonoscopy until I was 52. I was doing the prep and actually misread the dosage on the miralax and so when I went in I wasn't clear enough and they had to send me home. I seriously considered saying the heck with it and not doing it, but instead I continued to not eat and did the prep right and had the procedure. The gastroenterologist found I think three polyps that were precancerous and I'm on the 5-year plan now.

We live in a wonderful time. Medical breakthroughs in cancer research are happening rapidly and people are living longer even after terrible diagnosis. But, the old idiolm, "an ounce of prevention, it's worth a pound of cure," is so true when it comes to this stuff. Colonoscopies, mammograms for our spouses, skin checks by the dermatologist, can all help us avoid a tremendous amount of suffering and premature death.

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Originally posted on Jun 20, 2024 at 8:21:11am
Message modified by Adrielle on Jun 20, 2024 at 8:21:39am
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