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Jun 20, 2024
Coug Texan
Absolutely one of the craziest things I've ever seen...
Yes I had to go to the Hospital for a CT exam. The hospital's parking is kind of ridiculous and I had to park clear to the back of the hospital and then walk all the way around to the front of the hospital. So I get there and I check in and they take me to the waiting area. So I am sitting there waiting for someone to come get me and I suddenly start to hear someone seriously screaming... it was a very loud, like someone was in pain, angry kind of scream I guess. I was playing a game on my phone and at first I thought it was maybe coming from my phone... but nope... someone in the hospital is screaming and it's not stopping... and then I'm trying to remember if the CT thing I'm about to do can cause pain... and I'm thinking to myself, "am I going to be in some pain right now or something" So I'm starting to get a little anxiety from thinking that and hearing someone just screaming.

Then the screaming stops, and about a minute later, I see some guy kind of run past my area down a hallway, and his shirt is torn up, and he is kind of holding his arm. About a minute later the guy comes to get me, I was wearing my BYU hat and I asked him if needed to put my phone or keys I had on me in a locker and he was like, "No, but you can put that hat in that bin", pointing to the garbage can. I laughed... he said he was a Texas fan and he still has nightmares about Taysom... funny. Anyhow, the scan takes maybe 7 minutes... I'm not in there that long and he asks me if I parked in the back of the building or in the front, and I tell him the back. So he led me down this hallway and pointed to another hallway to go down and said it would take me out the Emergency room doors in the back of the building.

So I head down the hallway and turn the corner into what is the waiting room area and.... there are about 15 cops, a few of them with their guns drawn and a guy on his knees, screaming with his hands behind his head, "I am in pain!!" There are chairs in a position that would seem they had been thrown. The cops are asking the guy where he lives and he is screaming his address, screaming multiple cuss words and screaming he needs help. I mean, I saw about 40 seconds of what was happening, and it was an incredibly tense situation in just that short amount of time.

So I'm like... fudge, only I said the other word that starts with the same letter, and I'm thinking to myself what the crap do I do. A cop looks at me and puts his hand up telling me to stop... and right then a nurse grabs me, brings me behind this counter and rushes me out another door, and quickly shuts it. I'm now outside and there are cop cars everywhere. I see this lady heading for the doors where everything is taking place, and I tell her that she needs to find another place to enter the building. she asks me why all of the cop cars are there, and I tell her that there was a police situation happening just inside those doors.

Absolutely one of the craziest things I have ever seen. I've tried to find anything on the news or being reported on it... nothing.
This message has been modified
Originally posted on Jun 20, 2024 at 8:57:15am
Message modified by Coug on Jun 20, 2024 at 12:27:24pm
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Smoke Monster
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