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gmoney7 All-American
Jan 9, 10:07pm
Jan 9, 10:22pm

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So let's walk through this in a practical manner... That didn't take long: Why do we have to continue talking about the "hypothetical" Wakely situation...? WakeyLeaks SMU got the death penalty for lack of institutional control Here's what we know: 1) We know what Sam Leavitt said (video below). 2) We know If my math is right, where BYU barely lost to ASU and only due to espionage, and where Texas barely squeezed by ASU, Ouch. Definitely needs improvement. This is one of the biggest reasons I'm glad ND won tonight... I wish just once blue blood types like UT, tOSU, Alabama, Georgia, etc. would be honest in post game coach interviews.

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