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Nov 24, 2014
Please take this survey about what subscription options might interest you.

Over the years, I've been approached by various people about having a subscription option for CougarBoard, and then allowing discussions to be limited to subscribers only. This would include a dedicated chat room. There have also been suggestions for special interest groups (it's the #3 most popular idea). I've also been intrigued by innovative new funding models like Patreon and Google Contributor

This poll is just intended to see how CougarBoard users feel about these different ideas, it is not an announcement of changes to come. I've been kicking around some of these ideas for years, and I'm still not convinced they would be all that beneficial.


Take the survey

This message has been modified
Originally posted on Nov 24, 2014 at 12:50:28pm
Message modified by El Jefe on Nov 24, 2014 at 2:14:29pm
Message modified by El Jefe on Nov 24, 2014 at 2:15:01pm
El Jefe
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El Jefe
Sep 15, 2001
Last login
Feb 25, 2025
Total posts
80,436 (27,208 FO)
11/24/14 1:25pm

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